August 29, 2007

Sad In Spring !!!

I know I am quite an imperfect individual.
Have committed several mistakes..
Taken a few wrong decisions...
Lacked the will to carry through some commitments..
But I never ever regretted anything.
I took my failures as learning experiences..
Imbibed all the lessons that came my way..

But for the first time I am deeply regretting a decision..
a choice I made..
gotta bear the cost of my weaknesses for a long time
I wish to go back in time and erase those few chapters..
I want nothing of it in my present..
Want to take back each and every word I said..
Bury all those memories alive!
Forget those relations ever existed in my life.
Cant take it anymore..
M fed up of my tears..
I want to Let GO...But How??
Gloom has enveloped the brighter things of life
Sentiments r getting murkier
Feels so empty within.

1 comment:

Venkata Chandrakanth Burra said...

If it’s a real feeling you then forgetting the past is not going to help, memories can never be forgotten, rather then doing that way, try to make peace with your past.

Once you make peace with your past, the memory will not generate sad feeling in you any more.